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PentaLock presents an innovative unbreakable bike lock

This is done with their unbreakable smart lock located in the bike’s bottom bracket and has been co-developed with a former professional bike thief. The Danish company was founded in 2016 by two engineers and started with the vision of stopping bike theft altogether.

PentaLock introduces a whole new way of thinking when it comes to bicycle locks.

If a thief is willing and able, and additionally has solid tools, no security on the bike will stop him from being stolen. However, PentaLock will make the thief think about theft twice.

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A new solution from Denmark now promises a real gain in security.

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The well-hidden lock in the bottom bracket, which is almost invisible from the outside, could be a breakthrough for the theft protection of e-bikes and high-quality bicycles.

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PentaLock er en ny digital løsning til cykellåse, som gør at en stjålet cykel ikke længere kan videresælges eller bruges.”

– Dansk Industri
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With manufacturers increasingly focused on e-bike development, the firm’s PL2 unit has been built to be sympathetic to an e-bike maker’s needs with the ability to connect the system to the electrics and disable the motor, controller and display once a theft attempt is made.

– Cycling Industri News
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In building the integrated unit, the team consulted with insurance companies, police, and even former professional bicycle thieves to gain insight into the most effective measures to prevent theft

– Industry Update
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“PentaLock is a whole new way to think about bike locks”

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“PentaLock – has the future arrived for bike security?”

– Stolen ride
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Für den dänischen Zubehörhersteller Pentalock war der diesjährige Eurobike-Auftritt ein Startschuss für ein neuartiges Schloss. Welche Besonderheiten Pentalock präsentiert hat.

– Velobiz
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“An e-bike is an expensive investment that you leave out on the street. With an angle grinder or a pair of bolt cutters, an electric bike is the easiest 20,000 danish kroner you have ever earned. You wouldn’t leave your Gucci bag outside because it would be gone – with or without a chain lock attached.”

– TechSavvy
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“The Danish company PentaLock has now seriously started their fight against bicycle theft. Soon it will be possible to see PentaLocks integrated on European brands, including on Watt bicycles.”

– Nieuwsfiet
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The future’s favorite bicycle lock

– migogaalborg
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